Copyright (c) 2010 Peter Rubel
Hyperventilation (or over-breathing) is a common problem among those who suffer, panic attacks and some other anxiety, technical troubles.Une simple breathing is often one of the more effective methods of fighting back, and normal restore calm.
Hyperventilation may partly be due to a certain degree of anxiety, but it also feeds and increases anxiety.Hyperventilation flow apparently anxiety in two ways: (1) lowering the dioxide oxygen/carbon exchange efficiency, thus increase carbon dioxide levels in the brain and (2) the contracting blood vessels and blood flow and from the typical symptoms of the hyperventilation cerveau.Les include dizziness, a feeling of unreality, numbness in extremeties and naturally low feeling. You can see how these symptoms of hyperventilation may result in a greater anxiety feelings.
For slow breathing seems to be the opposite, useful. A hyperventilates because you feel an urgent need to air more, not less.
In real immediate danger, it is necessary more air for "fight or flight." Thus, those who suffer from anxiety panic or increased need to experiment with a slower to feel useful effects breathing.And they need to practice slower breathing exercises.
Naturally one would normally feel his breath is appropriate and comfortable. Resting breath must be slower than in exercising physique.Sans anxiety or panic, respiration rate may vary according to efficient lung, which in turn may vary with bodily health, age, environmental factors and activities related to the particular lung as regular singing or flute play.Poor breathing patterns may be influenced by a bad posture, a mode of sedentary life, allergies, asthma, etc, as well as by anxiety.
Excretion of a bad habit and the development of a good replacement takes discipline, practice and patience.Although those who suffer from anxiety or panic disorder can be motivated to develop better breathing techniques, should be Méfiez possibility that failure may strengthen agog or patterns of thinking défaitiste.Définition reasonable objectives for breathing and sticking to them in practice, it is which will promote calmness and give the victory of fears.
Some variations in methods can still produce positive results. Here's an outline based on the basic principles.
I. counting when inhaling and exhaling
On average, people breathe in approximately 12 breathes per minute. Half of the who would be close to optimal for most.
If it is too distracting to test yourself, a person with access to a piece of play in seconds measuring time the number of your normal breathing to rest per minute or the average number of seconds between cycles full breath - beginning of inhalation start inhalation or as.
Set a reasonable goal for yourself, for the first three weeks, or practice.Perhaps for three seconds, inhaling and exhaling for three seconds, but in any case more slowly than your average according to above test pane.once are well practiced and comfortable with a slower pace, make it a little slower, say four seconds to four inhalation for exhaling.If you need to adjust your initial goal after a day or two of practice, do not hesitate to do so and go from there.
To count the seconds, using a watch or other piece of time or count one, thousand, two thousand, etc. to approximate the seconds. Try just to be cohérente.Pratique twice a day, in normal time and define when the morning and once in the soirée.Plus frequently if possible!Practice for five minutes every day for a few weeks.Work your way in ten minutes for each session.Use a calendar.Note your temps.Être consistent and accurate.
Breathing exercises is a breathing slow rythme.Il must also be prepared to breathe more slowly in a panic attack to take control.
Attack panic, concentrate on your breathing.Count the time between breathing as you in sessions pratiques.Cet exercise exercises do reduce not only your symptoms of anxiety, but mental diversion will control your negative thoughts.
II. breathing in your abdominal region
But there are plus.La most of us tend to practise shallow breathing in the upper area of the rib cage.Breathing efficiency is increased when breathing more deeply.Below the lungs is a thin muscle sheath called "Iris".The breathing of the abdominal area will help.
Thus one would better not do only from inhalation and exhaling breath cycles, but do so while breathing deeply in the abdominal area from the diaphragm.
Early recumbent backpack or reclining in a wheelchair confortable.Placez your hands or a book on your stomach - area something you warn when you breathe a diaphragm and when return you to the superficial breathing.
When the diaphragm respiration, stomach region should increase and gently fall as it breathes .the ' stomach or abdominal should increase on inhalation and fall when one exhales.
Deep breathing can require patience to start, or if necessary the statement of a médecin.Simultanément, mental focus must be maintained on the count or timing his inspirations as deep breathing abdomen area.
As you probably know, exhaling deeply when you feel a little anxiety can help you relax a peu.Et if you breathe deeply instead of superficially, slower breathing practice is easier to maintain.
III. breathing in the nose.
Breathing efficiency is further strengthened by breathing by the nose, as opposed to the bouche.Souvent, those who suffer from anxiety disorders have developed a nasty habit of mouth breathing only.
Nasal breathing has various advantages over the bouche.Un respiration, the lungs and the bronchial tubes become less déshydratés.Bonne hydration is key to many cellular functions, as it is certainly true ici.Respiration second and nasal makes harder hyperventilation because the nasal passages are smaller that the mouth - to - lungs .Respiration third, nasal passage may increase blood and oxygen in the sinus - which is close to the brain may be utile.Et fourth, of course, sinuses are better equipped to manage dust and pollution of local air as mouth breathing.
In other words, its timed breathing practice sessions should include an abdominal breathing through the nose chronométrées inhalations and exhalations.
IV. improve other factors.
Stress, nutrition, exercise, convenient standby, environmental allergens or toxins on them can all affect the pace and efficiency or the respiration.Apporter improvements in these areas can improve respiration and help control anxiety, and attacks panique.Obtenir professional assistance may be necessary or advisable.
And in any case, nasal, slow, abdominal breathing is a technique which has already helped much anxiety and panic attack the malades.Il help you very probably.
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