Diabetes is a chronic and complex disease caused by it too have glucose (sugar) in the blood. This occurs when there is little, no production of insulin or improper use of insulin. Hormone insulin is needed to convert glucose in the blood in energy. Diabetes can also be called as diabetes mellitus, Blood sugar, blood glucose, diabetics and Diabets.
Causes of diabetes
Here are the main causes of diabetes:
1. The hereditary factors
2. Excess intake of carbohydrate foods like chocolate, rice, etc.
3. Insulin deficiency
4. Insulin resistance
5. High blood pressure
6. Cholesterol
7. Live very stressful and plue
8. Lack of exercise or physical activity
Low blood glucose
Glucose is the source of fuel key items .the ' body as well as brain requires an adequate amount of glucose to operate correctement.lorsque this level of blood glucose or blood sugar falls below the normal level, it is called Hypoclycemia, hypoglycemia, or low blood sugar.
It often affects people who are at the extremes of age, such as infants and âgées.Mais persons it is not necessary, it can occur at any age.People with diabetes, including type 1 diabetes are more likely to suffer from serious low sugar sanguin.Les expert suggested a number of herbs, nuts and seeds as effective remedies home natural for low blood sugar.
Symptoms of diabetes
Diabetes is not detected during an extended period, as they produce no serious, obvious symptoms.Attention to the strong thirst, frequent urination, excessive appetite, weight loss, fatigue, irritability and blurred vision.In diabetics, perhaps pale urine color, with an acid reaction, and a good smell .What's they look too pale, may suffer problems secondary anaemia, constipation, intense itching around in the genital region, palpitations and general weakness.
Diabetes power plan
1. Eat about the same amount of food each day.
2. Eat at about the same times each day.
3. Take your medication at the same times each day.
Home remedies to cure diabetes
1. Take juice leaves bilva and parijataka equally natural cure of the diabète.prendre two teaspoons of it twice a day.
2. Avoid drinking of alcohol (including beer, gin, wine and whisky).
3. Take two spoons coffee powder with the seeds teaspoons lait.Deux fenugreek seeds can also be swallowed whole, every day.
4. Avoid sweets, chocolates, rice, bananas, grapes, mangoes, dried fruits, oils, cakes and pastries.
5. Boil 15 fresh Mango leaves in 1 glass of water .laisser a nuit.Filtrer this morning something first drink and water.
6. Eat some green vegetables, coriander, cucumber, cabbage, coconut, chenopodium album (bathu), creeper pumpkin, cucumber, cabbage, custody bitter, carrot, tomato, lemon, pickled, onion and ginger
7. Avoid infections, burns and injuries they develop ketosis in such stressful conditions.
8. Take 400 mcg.une chromium picolinate day makes it more efficient to help maintain the level of sugar faible.Chrome insulin maintains sugar levels stable blood through the proper use of insulin and is useful for people with diabetes or hypoglycemia.
9. Take lot of potassium and vitamins C, E and B-complex.
10. Eat 10 curry fresh leaves fully cultivated each morning for three mois.Il prevents diabetes due to factors of the heredity. also, it cures diabetes due to obesity.