High blood pressure (HBP) or hypertension means high pressure (voltage) in the arteries. Arteries are vessels that carry blood from the heart pumping to all tissues and organs of the body. High blood pressure does not mean excessive, emotional tension stress and emotional tension may temporarily increase blood pressure. Normal blood pressure is below 120/80; pressure between 120/80 and 139 of the blood/89 is called "pre-hypertension", and a blood pressure of 140/90 or higher is considered to be high.
What are the causes of the?
The cause of high blood pressure for most people remains mystery why it occurs.Some searches are current to discover the factors that were genetic impliqués.Raison usually specified as high blood pressure often occurs in families .d ' on the other hand, certain specified risk factors are: smoking, alcohol abuse, lack of exercise, high salt intake high levels of stress and be overloaded.
Secondary hypertension known due to: disease of the kidney, DIABETIC NEPHROPATHY, hypothyroidism, cushings syndrome, atherosclerosis (hardening, thickening and narrowing of the arteries), apnea sleep, this underlying heart, pregnancy (preclampsia cases), obesity, and side effect of some supplement and drug.
Home remedies for high blood pressure
Treatment of blood pressure high from the lemon
Lemon is also seen as a valuable food to control hypertension .it ' is a rich source of vitamin D, which is located in the juice and the skin of the fruit. This vitamin is essential to prevent capillary fragility.
Grapefruit's high blood pressure treatment
Grapefruit is useful to prevent high blood pressure. The content of vitamin D the fruit is useful in the turn of the arteries.
Treatment of blood pressure high from Watermelon
Watermelon is another valuable backup against high blood pressure. A substance extracted watermelon seeds is said to have an action determined in blood, vessels of dilating, which translates into a reduction in blood pressure.Seeds, dried and roasted, should be taken in liberal quantities.
Blood pressure high from rice processing
Rice has a low fat, low-cholesterol and low-salt content.Makes a system perfect for hypertensive persons who were notified of salt restricted diets.Calcium in brown rice, in particular, soothes and relaxes the nervous system and helps relieve symptoms of high blood pressure.
Blood pressure high from potato processing
Potatoes, especially in the form of porridge, are a precious food to lower blood pressure.When the boiled with their skin, they absorb very little salt.Thus, they can form more useful in a salt-free diet, recommended for patients with high blood pressure.Potatoes are rich in potassium, but not in sodium sels.Le magnesium present in vegetables is beneficial in lowering blood pressure.
Treatment of blood pressure high from parsley
Parsley is very useful in hypertension artérielle.Il contains elements, which help keep blood vessels, in particular, keeps capillaires.Il arterial system in a good état.Il can be taken as a drink by simmering 20 gm fresh parsley leaves gently in 250 ml of water for a few minutes.Cela can be drunk several times each day.
Scheme of high blood pressure
People with high blood pressure should follow importance primordiale.viandes is always a balanced food nutrition, exercise and repos.Régime routine and eggs, more than any other food, cause blood pressure to relever.La pressure can be lowered and blood coagulation decreased by increased consumption of fruit, by reducing the intake of protein and sticking to a végétarien.Une natural food diet consisting of fruits and vegetables instead of a traditional power, allows to get rid of toxins from the body .Sel must be avoided; in any case, it should not exceed more than 3 grams or approximately half a teaspoon a day.
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