5-Minutes Women Abs Workout

Hello there. For women abs, here-under is a complete workout.

If you cannot manage to do full abs workout try this 5 minutes abs workout.

It is amazing how a full session of abs workout can be done in just 5 minutes. You can do it anytime you want to, i.e. before breakfast, in the evening, night or anytime you are free and it surely produces some results.

5 minutes exercise may seem so small but it is way better than so many 30 minutes or even 1 hour long abs exercises and I mean it. Some people really like to do exercise in a slow pace and with rest intervals and those people may not like to adopt this, but it really is OK. This exercise is basically for those who are unable to manage their time to do long exercises, but even then you cannot deny the significance of 5 minutes workout. Now let me cut the discussion and move on to the procedure.

First of you need some essential elements before you try this workout like high pain tolerance, increasing the strength such that these 5 minutes seems like 20, learn to concentrate on your abs muscles and a perfect technique throughout the process. If you can manage to hold on to all these elements, then this is the right and only exercise you need.

First of all don’t ignore to rest and give yourself a break while adopting this routine. Also, eat protein-rich diet and keep an eye on calories because a fat layer can make great abs look really bad and chubby.

5 Minutes Women Abs Workout

  1. Warm yourself up a little before doing this workout.
  2. Take a 5 or 10 kg weight, place it on your chest and perform one set of crunches.
  3. Now remove the weight off your chest and perform another crunches set.
  4. Repeat the process a little bit faster than the normal workouts.
  5. Repeat steps 2 and 3 for three minutes.
  6. Take small breaks (I mean small and very small indeed).
  7. Spend the last of the 5 minutes doing the crunches as fast as possible without giving up the procedure.
  8. Now Warm yourself down.

Try this, I promise it will really help you out and leave me a comment if you like it.

Some of the best Exercises for Women Abs

The Bicycle Exercise

The Bicycle exercise is often considered as the best stomach exercise for women abs. It is done in the following manner:

1. Lie down on the floor and press your lower back on the ground.

2. Put your hands behind the head but don’t grab your neck. Now lift your knees up and keep them at an angle of 45 degrees.

3. Do bicycle paddle motion with your legs and tap right elbow with left knee and left elbow with right knee.

4. Relax and breath throughout the exercise but in intervals.

Exercise ball crunches

1. Place your hands behind the ears and sit on a Swiss ball.

2. Move your legs like walking while resting your upper body, but keep your balance on the Swiss ball.

3. Expand your legs to get better support.

4. Inhale and contract the abdominal muscles.

5. Slowly raise your shoulders but be careful not to put any twist in the neck.

5. Now try to feel the thighs, butts and abs doing their work.

6. Stay still.

7. Rest for 30 seconds and do another set. Do as many sets as possible.

Older Women Abs / Exercises for Older Women

Women abs especially in old ladies are real pain these days. While you start getting old, it becomes more necessary to carefully choose exercises to fit your needs and body requirements. Belly fat is the most serious cause of health infirmities in older women. Regular physical work, better diet and abs strength program 2 to 3 days a week improves the health of women over 50 and helps them in maintaining a healthy belly. Here are some recommended exercises for older women abs:

1) Crunches alongwith Rotation

For the upper women abs, crunching with rotation is a good exercise. Adding rotation targets the oblique. If these exercises are performed properly they are easy. Don’t add free weight or stability ball while doing these exercises as it will make things quite difficult for you. Lie back, keep your knees bent and put your hands behind ears. Relax the neck, shoulders and upper area. Push your back to the floor and breathe out. Slowly crunch up until the shoulder clear the floor. Twist towards right and twist back to center while lowering yourself to the floor slowly, as you breath in. Now crunch back upwards and this time twist towards the left side. Go back to the floor and start again with 5 reps each side with exchange. Do two sets of 12 reps.

2) Planks

Planks strengthen your upper body part and abdomen. There are some customized versions of this exercise which are less tough on wrists and shoulders. Lie back on the stomach and bring forearms under your chest together. Grip your both hands and push up so that your body rests on your toes and forearms. Don’t raise your hips higher than shoulders and also don’t let your body to swing backwards. Your upper body must be above your arms. Grasp your abs & gluts and hold yourself. Don’t forget to breathe. Keep this position as long as you can and go up to sixty seconds.

3) Reverse Crunches

Reverse crunches relate to lower abs. While doing this exercise, lie on the back while knees are bent, keeping your feet flat on floor, arms on the sides while flatting your lower back. Now raise your knees above your hips. Just keep them bent. Now lower legs towards floor but keep your back as much flat as possible. Breath out as you lower the legs and breathe in as you raise them back up. Do this ten to twelve times and in 2 sets. If you find it difficult then lower only one leg at a time.

Hope you like these exercises. Will be back with more.

Diabetes and blood glucose causes, symptoms, food and natural home remedies to treat diabetes

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Diabetes is a chronic and complex disease caused by it too have glucose (sugar) in the blood. This occurs when there is little, no production of insulin or improper use of insulin. Hormone insulin is needed to convert glucose in the blood in energy. Diabetes can also be called as diabetes mellitus, Blood sugar, blood glucose, diabetics and Diabets.

Causes of diabetes

Here are the main causes of diabetes:

1. The hereditary factors

2. Excess intake of carbohydrate foods like chocolate, rice, etc.

3. Insulin deficiency

4. Insulin resistance

5. High blood pressure

6. Cholesterol

7. Live very stressful and plue

8. Lack of exercise or physical activity

Low blood glucose

Glucose is the source of fuel key items .the ' body as well as brain requires an adequate amount of glucose to operate correctement.lorsque this level of blood glucose or blood sugar falls below the normal level, it is called Hypoclycemia, hypoglycemia, or low blood sugar.

It often affects people who are at the extremes of age, such as infants and âgées.Mais persons it is not necessary, it can occur at any age.People with diabetes, including type 1 diabetes are more likely to suffer from serious low sugar sanguin.Les expert suggested a number of herbs, nuts and seeds as effective remedies home natural for low blood sugar.

Symptoms of diabetes

Diabetes is not detected during an extended period, as they produce no serious, obvious symptoms.Attention to the strong thirst, frequent urination, excessive appetite, weight loss, fatigue, irritability and blurred vision.In diabetics, perhaps pale urine color, with an acid reaction, and a good smell .What's they look too pale, may suffer problems secondary anaemia, constipation, intense itching around in the genital region, palpitations and general weakness.

Diabetes power plan

1. Eat about the same amount of food each day.

2. Eat at about the same times each day.

3. Take your medication at the same times each day.

Home remedies to cure diabetes

1. Take juice leaves bilva and parijataka equally natural cure of the diabète.prendre two teaspoons of it twice a day.

2. Avoid drinking of alcohol (including beer, gin, wine and whisky).

3. Take two spoons coffee powder with the seeds teaspoons lait.Deux fenugreek seeds can also be swallowed whole, every day.

4. Avoid sweets, chocolates, rice, bananas, grapes, mangoes, dried fruits, oils, cakes and pastries.

5. Boil 15 fresh Mango leaves in 1 glass of water .laisser a nuit.Filtrer this morning something first drink and water.

6. Eat some green vegetables, coriander, cucumber, cabbage, coconut, chenopodium album (bathu), creeper pumpkin, cucumber, cabbage, custody bitter, carrot, tomato, lemon, pickled, onion and ginger

7. Avoid infections, burns and injuries they develop ketosis in such stressful conditions.

8. Take 400 mcg.une chromium picolinate day makes it more efficient to help maintain the level of sugar faible.Chrome insulin maintains sugar levels stable blood through the proper use of insulin and is useful for people with diabetes or hypoglycemia.

9. Take lot of potassium and vitamins C, E and B-complex.

10. Eat 10 curry fresh leaves fully cultivated each morning for three mois.Il prevents diabetes due to factors of the heredity. also, it cures diabetes due to obesity.



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